[GRASSLIST:4156] problem with list in cygwin....

Jeff D. Hamann jeff_hamann at hamanndonald.com
Thu Jul 25 18:49:40 EDT 2002

when I try to use list in cygwin (on one machine anyway...) I get the
following messages no matter what drive, who I am logged on as, etc...

Please specify projection name
Enter 'list' for the list of available projections
Hit RETURN to cancel request
/usr/home/hamannj/grassdata/jackson-stp/PERMANENT/.tmp/JACKSON/3468.0: No
such file or directory

Please specify projection name
Enter 'list' for the list of available projections
Hit RETURN to cancel request

I have another machine (win2k in both cases running grass5pre3) where this
works just fine.... what could be causing this to happen?


Jeff D. Hamann
Hamann, Donald & Associates
PO Box 1421
Corvallis, Oregon 97339
jeff_hamann at hamanndonald.com

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