[GRASSLIST:3358] Re: r.in.gdal segmentation error in Mandrake 8.1

Jeff P. Hollenbeck hollenbj at ucs.orst.edu
Thu Mar 21 16:44:10 EST 2002


Your problems with SDTS DEM's might be due to the format change of these
data files by the USGS in Jan 2001.  You will need an updated version of
Sol Katz's sdts2dem code to properly convert the new sdts dems.  The old
sdts2dem will chug away with the new files but produce gibberish of about
the right size leading you to think that all went well.

I'm not sure if gdal handles the new sdts dems correctly yet or not.

Other than the new format, I don't have any insight as to whats going
wrong with your import.

Good luck,


Jeff P. Hollenbeck
Dept. of Forest Resources
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
hollenbj at ucs.orst.edu

On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, John Dougherty wrote:

> I have repeatedly now, recompiled both GRASS 5.0.0pre3 and the GDAL (1.1.6)
> library from remotesensing.org.  Both of these code sets compile without
> error messages or complaints about missing libraries or wrong verions.
> "gdalinfo" properly identifies and displays data on SDTS dem files.  However,
> r.in.gdal persistantly terminates with a "segmentation fault" message, once
> the input and put data have been entered and the program runs.
> I have ran a "make clean" before recompiling with visible difference in the
> results.  The compilation has been conducted on clean, updated code base from
> the respective CVS servers.  GCC -v gives the following:
> Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu/2.96/specs
> gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Mandrake Linux 8.1 2.96-0.62mdk)
> I am also running into an anomalous result from r.in.bin if I try reading in
> a dem generated by SDTS2DEM.  The command simply ends without an error
> message, but no new files show up in the location cell directory or anywhere
> else I can find.
> As far as I can see the *only* change between now and my last successful
> compile was that I moved from SuSE 7.3 to MDK 8.1.  Is anyone there running
> MDK 8.1 and successfully using these programs?  If you are, please let me
> know your settings?
> Thanks,
> JWDougherty

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