[GRASSLIST:4674] r.profile: reading transect coordinates from file

Helmer Schack-Kirchner helmer.schack-kirchner at bodenkunde.uni-freiburg.de
Mon Oct 7 13:41:35 EDT 2002

Dear GRASS-community,
to calculate the erosion risks from forest roads, I need
their elevation profiles. r.profile seems to be the
appropriate procedure, but since the forest road vectors
are characterized by a high number of vertices, an
interactive use of r.profile makes no sense. Therefore I
converted the v.out.ascii output of the road-vector into
the appropriate format of the `profile=` option (comma
separated list of east/north) and inserted it as  profile =
`cat east_north.lst` in the command line of r.profile. What
I get is an error message, that `cat file.name` is not a
valid coordinate-pair. Is there anyone, who has a tip how
to proceed?

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