[GRASSLIST:4804] Re: G.region

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Oct 22 17:03:35 EDT 2002

Alexandra Zamparas wrote:

> Thanks for the replies on exporting a raster. I would like to ask
> another question now: I have a raster (elevation), I do d.zoom and
> choose the area, do g.region to see the new coordinates and then
> perform r.fill.dir which is done in that region. So far, so good.
> When I display again elevation in another monitor the raster has
> different coordinates. Is g.region monitor dependent? (maybe this is
> too simple a question but I don't know).

Partially. Some d.* programs use the session's current region (from
the WIND file in the mapset directory), some use the region which is
set on the monitor if there is one, or the session's region otherwise.

Non-display programs always use the region from the WIND file.

> How do I set the new region in another monitor?

The safest approach is to run d.erase if the region has been changed. 
Otherwise, the region which is displayed on the monitor may not be the
region upon which GRASS commands actually operate.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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