[GRASSLIST:4808] Re: Alternate ODBCs in SuSE 8.1

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed Oct 23 03:45:45 EDT 2002

John Dougherty wrote:

> I just recompiled GRASS 5.0 for SuSE 8.1.  Most of the process proved 
> reasonably straightforward.  However, the ODB library(ies) proved a little 
> problematic.  There are obdc libs installed with main installation, however 
> GRASS seems to be in need of the unixODBC, or at least that seemed to be what 
> solved the problem.  SuSE however, alerts repeatedly that the unixODBC and 
> the libodbc already installed can cause conflicts and may destablize the 
> system.  Are there any recommendations about handling this from the GRASS 
> team?

Install UnixODBC where other programs won't find it, i.e. somewhere
other than /usr/{include,lib} or /usr/local/{include,lib}; e.g. 

When configuring GRASS, use --with-odbc-includes= and
--with-odbc-libs= to tell the configure script where to find it.

Once GRASS has been installed, add the library directory (e.g. 
/opt/UnixODBC/lib) to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting in

However, this typically won't work if you use tcltkgrass and xterm is
setuid root, as setuid programs discard the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 
In that case, build a static version of the UnixODBC library instead
of a shared library (use --enable-static and --disable-shared).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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