[GRASSLIST:4442] Unable to properly access /home/piero/.gislock5

Piero Cavalieri grasspiero at tiscali.it
Mon Sep 9 16:19:26 EDT 2002

I have compiled  grass5.0.0pre4 locally (glibc 2.2.4 on Mandrake 8.2). 
The make command didn't return errors, but the make install yes:

make[1]: *** [real-install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/piero/grass/grass5.0.0pre4'
make: *** [install] Error 2

However it seems to have all in the right places, but
when I launch grass5 I have:

/usr/local/grass5/etc/Init.sh: /usr/local/grass5/etc/lock: No such file 
or directory
Unable to properly access /home/piero/.gislock5

I don't have /usr/local/grass5/etc/lock but I have /usr/local/grass5/locks.
Is this the problem? (I tried a  "ln -s /usr/local/grass5/locks 
/usr/local/grass5/etc/lock" but this isn't the solution).

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