[GRASSLIST:6059] g.copy

Martin Wegmann m.wegmann at web.de
Tue Apr 15 19:51:23 EDT 2003


I would like to copy all of my raster maps starting with an "h" from my 
current mapset to a new one in the same location. 

I tried a little bit with g.copy e.g. g.copy rast= |grep h*@mapset_old, 
h*@mapset_new but that doesn't work. 

any suggestions for a bulk g.copy command?

thanks in advance, cheers Martin

Martin Wegmann
Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
Zoology III, Biocenter
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
wegmann at biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de
m.wegmann at web.de

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