[GRASSLIST:2042] Re: MrSID conversion

Bryan K. Wright bryan at ayesha.phys.Virginia.EDU
Fri Dec 12 11:16:15 EST 2003

Hi folks,

	For what it's worth, I've had success using mrsiddecode, but
by a roundabout path.  I found that the Linux version of mrsiddecode
wouldn't work (I got nothing but segfaults), but I was able to
run the Windows version under Linux using Wine.  The command line
looks like this:

winelauncher -- /local/bin/mrsiddecode.exe -tif -input a.sid -output a.tif

(I'm using wine-20031118-1rh73winehq from SourceForge.)

	After using mrsiddecode, I was able to import the tifs using
r.in.tiff.  Mrsiddecode automatically made the necessary tfw files.

	Two oddities with the tfw files, though:  the fourth line of the
file (cell size) ended up being a positive number, which r.in.tiff 
didn't like.  Adding a minus sign fixed the problem.  I also found
that the last line of the file (northing) was offset by 200 meters
relative to the USGS topo maps I'm using.  These may just be problems
with the original sid/sdw files I happened to be using.

	I'm glad to hear that gdal now supports mrsid format.  I'll
have to compile the new version and try it out.


Bryan Wright                |"If you take cranberries and stew them like 
Physics Department          | applesauce, they taste much more like prunes 
University of Virginia      | than rhubarb does."  --  Groucho 
Charlottesville, VA  22901  |			
(434) 924-7218              |         bryan at virginia.edu

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