grass-dev list down? g3d stuff

John Harrop johnh at
Sat Jan 4 20:45:04 EST 2003

Happy New Year grass listers,

Is the grass-dev list suffering from a Y2K+3 bug ;-)  ???

I've posted to it but not received anything back, or seen the post on the 
web page.  In fact there has been no traffic in 2003 so I was wondering if 
it was down or on holiday ?

I've been doing some detailed code review and testing on the g3d related 
routines and library.  I've been using it with vis5d on some production 
work (real data in other words) and I've had to kludge my 3d import utility 
to reverse elevation and north values across the region of interest.  The 
result is that vis5d displays look correct (wrt the real world), but by 
site files are now inconsistent with my grid3 files as shown by nviz.  I've 
managed to isolate a number of inconsistencies - largely similar to what MN 
and HM have posted notes about, but with a few additions.  For example, the 
consistency of and r3.out.ascii results looks like it might be 
due to a double reversal, not correctness.  The fact that r3.out.v5d and result in consistent displays may also only be confirming 
the consistency of bugs in the two codes :-)

Before I make too many changes to (my local copy of) the code I wanted to 
get some clarification on what the design intentions were.  In one post HM 
stressed that consistency with 2D grass was very important indicating that 
at least among the development team there was a semi-formal understanding 
of requirements.  I have not been able to track that down in the src tree 
(I've read the notes in libes/g3d and GMSL/g3d) or in the archive.  Since 
some of this dates back to CERL days perhaps I should be asking if there 
was an Ops Order or at least a Warning Order!   ;-)

Looking at the source for G3d_getValue(map, x, y, z, value, type) and 
comparing it to G3d_putValue(map, x, y, z, value, type) is quite 
revealing.  When writing data, xyz seems to be mapped directly to 
respective indices to storage (no reordering for y or z).  When reading, 
the behaviour is quite different.  There are two stages to the mapping even 
though the intermediate values are not used.

x -> east -> col
y -> north -> row
z -> top -> depth

This means that:
- a low x value maps to a low east value (centre of cell) which maps to a 
low column value.  (Sounds good; W-E order)
- a low y value maps to a low north value (centre of cell) which maps to a 
low row value.  (Hmmm; S-N order)
- a low z value maps to a low top value (centre of cell) which maps to a 
low depth (!) value.  (Hmmm; B-T order even though variable is called DEPTH)

The result is xyz all map straight through (column = x, row = y, depth = z) 
without any reversals, just like in the write function.  (AV modified the 
code to remove reversal of y/North/row)  But what was the intent of this 
double mapping?  I wonder if the original intent of at least one developer 
was to have:

x, y, z names refer to a Cartesian indexing system (W-E, S-N, and B-T)
east, north, depth(?) refer to a physical (geographic) coordinate system 
(W-E, S-N, B-T(?) or was the idea to be depth rather than elevation oriented)
col, row, depth refer to a storage/display/maths indexing system (W-E, N-S 
and T-B) aka 2D grass compatible.

So if one is consistent with x,y,z usage in loops and calls then everything 
works out for g3d-ONLY routines.  But that also means x,y,z must be used in 
r,c,d form to maintain compatibility with 2D grass.  Perhaps the meaning of 
x,y,z and col, row, depth should be standardized in 3D grass coding.  I 
suggest that for clarity x, y, z NOT be used interchangeably with col, row, 

That leads to the questions: What should the notation be in the get and 
putValue functions?  Should the mapping be straight through, and leave it 
up to the module coders to keep it consistent?  Would it help if the get 
and putValue functions existed in xyz and rcd forms?

I'd like to get this level clarified before I start further changing/fixing 
or writing new modules.


John Harrop 

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