[GRASSLIST:624] Re: Can't find r.terraflow in the new snapshot sources.

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sat Jul 5 16:28:15 EDT 2003

Antonio wrote:

> I just realized from previous message that it's in the
> src.contribute/DUKE/ directory. But I have another problem to solve.
> When I try to compile it (i compiled grass snapshot in my local user
> dir with the --prefix and --bindir options) I get and error from the
> gmake5 -i command (the output of the log follows below).
> However the problem seems to be (as much as I can understand):
> make: DELEV_SHORT: Command not found
> Could someone help me figure out this problem?

You have to use:

	configure --with-cxx ...

so that configure sets the C++-related make variables.

After running configure, you will also need to do "make pre-compile".

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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