[GRASSLIST:860] Re: Finding the track followed

H Bowman hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 29 20:59:29 EDT 2003

> We are tracking location/coordinates of cattle along with the time
> associated with each coordinate. The reading is taken every 5 minutes
> 24 hours a day.  I will appreciate if someone could recommend the best
> way to render the _path followed_ by the cattle in 24 hours on a
> raster map of the area where we are monitoring the cattle. 

You might want to put the data in ASCII vector (Line) format, then use
v.in.ascii to import. See the v.in.ascii help page and the links at the
bottom of that page for details. You might split the data into
individual lines by day, and define a the category or attribute number
based on julian day. You could then display your raster with d.rast and
overlay the track with d.vect.line, choosing a specific day with

That should work, but probably will require you writing a little
script/macro to do the formatting.


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