[GRASSLIST:342] Re: importing vector e00

Michel Wurtz mjwurtz at wanadoo.fr
Tue Jun 10 16:09:02 EDT 2003

Roger Miller wrote:

>  Those files are all named with the convention <dig file name>.<column name>.
>  The files are all stored in the dig_cats directory for your current location,
> but none of them are found automatically by GRASS because of their naming
> convention.  In order to use any of the category files you must rename the
> file, giving it the same name as the dig file.

The best method is to use a symbolic link, pointing to the file you need as
category file.  There is also a method to directly assign a numeric category
as the new attribute value (may be usefull to assign the correct level to a
set of contour lines, etc.) : you have to use v.reclass with a slightly
modified category file (look at the manual for reclass and the difference
with a cat file : a simple script with sed piped to v.reclass do the trick)

Michel Wurtz - Auzeville-Tolosane

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