[GRASSLIST:5777] Re: m.in.e00, missing areas

Michel Wurtz mjwurtz at wanadoo.fr
Wed Mar 12 17:16:56 EST 2003

Ezra Glenn wrote:
> polygons).  Also, I noted that the ID#s for these polygons all start at 
> 2, not 1 (although this is true in both Grass and ArcView).

Probably because both Grass and ArcView use the same values in e00 file.

> I always choose the "automatically run v.support" option under m.in,e00, 
>  which tells me that there are 24 "unattached atts".  Does that mean 
> that these areas are not closed?  If so, is there a simple way to clean 
> up this problem?  I think the attributes are all there under dig_cat/.

If there is no label attached, the area is "blank" and they are not
filled when you run v.to.rast.  the problem is "why is there unattached
area".  You may use v.digit to detect "open areas".

To have a closer look :
  - made a copy of the dig_att file
  - run v.digit, make a "noop" change then run v.digit, answering "yes" to
    the question "compress attribute files ?"
  - made a file from the diff between the dig_att file and the one saved
  - made a site file from this diff file
  - you can now use this sit file in v.digit to see what polygons are not
    labelled and where they are placed

Michel Wurtz - Auzeville-Tolosane

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