[GRASSLIST:5808] Re: export of raster map and legend

H Bowman hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 19 20:07:54 EST 2003

> I have combined a raster map and a legend (d.legend) and would like to
> export both in a *.tiff or related format. r.out.tiff does export the
> map only,; how I can export the legend?

For a quick and dirty screen dump to a PNG file, try:
 xwd | xwdtopnm | pnmtopng > filename.png
(and click on the window-to-dump with the crosshairs)

- You'll need the ImageMagick programs installed (most systems already do).
- It isn't double buffered so you'll need to make sure that the window
    is on top, and totally on the screen.
- Gives you all colors at the screen bit-rate, even if you don't have
    GD-2.0 installed.

A repost of a slightly-improved-over-last-time PNG driver display-dump 
script will follow..


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