[GRASSLIST:19] Re: missing library " libdl.1.dylib" : NVIZ, OSX, 5.0.2

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed May 14 19:06:37 EDT 2003

John Chesnut wrote:

> I installed the OpenOSX binary 5.0.2 posted on the GRASS site.  After 
> some tinkering, I got tcltkgrass running.
> However NVIZ will not run,  evidently on account of a missing library:
> NVIZ exits with the error :
> dyld: /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 can't open library: 
> /usr/local/lib/libdl.1.dylib
>   (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
> child killed: trace trap
>      while executing
> "exec /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 -f 
> /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/scripts/nviz2.2_script el=AZero 
> ve=Bathy -name NVIZ >&@stdout"
>      ("eval" body line 1)
>      invoked from within
> inspecting the files shows a  libdl.0.dylib left over from my GRASS 
> 5.0.0 OSX  installation, but no libdl.1.dylib.

libdl is a system library; it isn't part of GRASS. GRASS itself
doesn't include any dynamic libraries (although binary distributions
often include a copy of the GDAL dynamic library as a convenience).

The above error suggests that the NVWISH2.2 binary isn't compatible
with your version of MacOSX. I would guess that the version on the
OpenOSX CD was built on a newer version of MacOSX, and won't run on an
older version.

> Is the NVIZ library not part of the binary distribution, and how can 
> I fix this (without doing my own make).
> I replaced the 5.0.2 etc/Nviz 2.2 folder with the Nviz 2.2 from the 
> 5.0 distribution to make Nviz functional, what am i missing by using 
> a old distribution version and what bug does this introduce (mixing 
> version files)
> The newbie question:  can I simply add a binary of the missing 
> library,

Maybe; I don't know enough about the Mac to provide a definite answer.

> and where can I obtain one.

>From Apple. However, it might only be available as part of an OS

> Note also : the OpenOSX-tcltkgrass.diff patch  reports an error 
> (can't find file).
>   a file exist "tcltkgrass.tcl"  in the 
> /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/ directory and a file tcltkgrass in 
> the/grass5/ bin dirctory.  The patch dialog seems to indicate the bin 
> directory is the target ?

$GISBASE/tcltkgrass/main/tcltkgrass.tcl is bogus. It isn't actually
used by anything, and appears to be an outdated version of the
tcltkgrass script (in $GISBASE/bin) which is actually used.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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