[GRASSLIST:1129] Re: s.in.ascii | general site question

H B hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 6 07:03:39 EDT 2003

Hi Kevin,

> I am having some difficulties importing a sites file correctly... and
> maybe it is difficulty in understanding the principles behind the 
> ascii file formats.

I hope that the help page for s.in.ascii (and links within) can be
helpful in this regard. If not, can you let us know what is missing?

> I am attempting to import an ascii file with general form of:
> lon lat waveheight winddirection windspeed buoynumber
> (ex: -87.5 25.2 1.0 300 15 42001)

That should convert to something like:
(top lines are optional)

desc|data from bouys
labels|lon lat waveheight winddirection windspeed buoynumber
-87.5|25.2|#1 %1.0 %300 %15 %42001
-87.5|25.2|#2 %1.0 %300 %15 %42002

you can use category number (above #1,#2 -- normally just an arbitrary
sequential integer) for bouynumber if you want if all are integers.
-87.5|25.2|#42001 %1.0 %300 %15

or as a label:
-87.5|25.2|#1 %1.0 %300 %15 @"42001"

(quotes not needed for a simple string)

sed, awk, and vi can create such formated files quickly (and
scriptable) from a tab delimeted file once you figure out how to use
them.. ;)
I do this all the time and it works great.

> it is tab delimmeted, and imports with no problem.  However, in
> to use d.site.lables, it only allows me to use attr=double, which
> on unnecessary zeros, making the labels worthless.

I've added a precision option to d.site.labels to set number of digits
after the decimal point for attr=double. This is in CVS and will not
appear in GRASS 5.0.3, but will be in GRASS 5.3+. You can always
download and recompile (gmake5 -i) the code yourself from CVS. It will
work with 5.0.2.

s.in.ascii could use some work..

good luck,

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