[GRASSLIST:1284] Re: creating a desktop GIS application using GRASS

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Thu Sep 18 06:16:02 EDT 2003

On Tuesday 16 September 2003 15:34, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> because not all GRASS developers agree with Radim's mission
> to promote the development of proprietary software on top of GRASS.

It realy seems, that I am last to leave the GRASS boat, but it is not clear what
other developers want. So I want to ask developers contributing to GRASS,
if they could clearly say, if it is acceptable for them, to open GRASS for
proprietary applications. That means to relicense some libraries,
probably gis, vector and dbmi to LGPL or similar license.
My question now is not about technical details, but about your attitude. 
I would welcome some clear answer like "yes" or "no".
This is question for all developers, who contribute to GRASS, but especially for 
those most active: markus, glynn, paul, hamish, alex, bob, cho, mike, eric
as I see them in cvs log, sorry if I forgot anybody. 
I appeal to you to answer and make GRASS future clear.


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