[GRASSLIST:1350] Monitor Problem with tcltkgrass in Wish

Andy Callan acallan1 at nd.edu
Thu Sep 25 04:28:01 EDT 2003

Somehow by being lazy and not properly closing monitors before exiting GRASS I
managed to mess up tcltkgrass.  I have been starting up grass through X-Windows
in OS X and after passing the -tcltkgrass flag one time it always starts up
with the GUI in Wish (which I like I just thought I would have to pass the
-tcltckgrass flag everytime when instead I now have to pass the -text flag if I
want to start in text-only mode) Anyway, each time the GUI starts up two
monitors I left open once popup because I "saved config" once when leaving
without specifying "stop all x" as well (I think)  Another x-window called
d.mon which is just blank also pops up but for some reason the tcltk toolbar
freezes while it is loading.  I imagine there is some enviroment variable
somewhere I can change to get rid of these monitors and allow the toolbar to
load again, but I have no idea where it is and what it is called.  Once again
many thanks to anyone who can help, this list is great.  By the way I'm working
on a doc for installing winGRASS for my boss which just follows the given
directions but is a bit more uniform and includes screenshots of each step in
the process for the non-unix users out there, it'll be about 4mb's I think and
I'll be glad to send it to someone if they would like to post it online
somewhere when I'm done, just let me know.  Thanks again.

Andy Callan
St. Thomas More College
Rm M112
Mounts Bay Rd.
Crawley, WA 6009
IM: CALid05

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