[GRASSLIST:1361] why the abtained area data was small than the real area?

Alip.Yasin s01k154 at shako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
Fri Sep 26 05:21:42 EDT 2003

Dear GRASS Users

When I type   r.report  command to abtain an area data,
it gives me 0.623 km^2.
But I know this area was above 500 km^2.
Please tell me where is my problem are?

my steps doing this was:
1. make a UTM location and mapset
2. r.in.bin to import Landsat image.
3. r.digit to make an area which surrounds my area.
4. r.report

Thank you a lot.
Ghalip Yasin
Tsukuba University, Japan
s01k154 at shako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp

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