[GRASSLIST:2141] Re: GRASS and elevation data

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Jan 6 18:41:50 EST 2004

Robert P. Goldman wrote:

> I am very new to Grass and am trying to figure out whether it can help
> me with a particular problem.  I would like to be able to take an
> elevation map and make queries to it about the maximum altitude along
> a line segment.  I'd like to do this to help in an application for
> planning travel by a small robotic air vehicle.  I.e., I'd like to
> know what is the minimum altitude at which the vehicle can safely fly
> over a particular segment.
> I was wondering:
> 1.  is this something GRASS can easily do?
> 2.  what's the best mechanism for doing this?  Should I be doing
>     something directly through GRASS (i.e., invoking a particular
>     grass command), or should I be using GRASS to stuff elevation data
>     into a database and using a database query?

r.profile and r.transect can output the list of cell values which
occur along a specified line. Finding the maximum value would require
a simple script to process the output.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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