[GRASSLIST:3873] s.vol.rst for soil probe data (newbie)

Christian Maire cmaire at runbox.com
Mon Jul 12 07:56:16 EDT 2004


I am trying to create a three-dimensional soil model of an archaeological site from soil sample data taken over the whole site.  It seems like a voxel approach would be the best method for accurately representing soil horizons.  However, s.vol.rst seems to be designed for particulate data, such that data points values represent the value of a single point in space.  The data I have refers to the upper and lower limits of soil horizons, such that the two values together represent a two-dimensional depth range within which all points have the same value, i.e. horizon designation.  Does anyone know how I can create a solid model from this?

Thank you,

Christian Maire
University of Southampton
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