[GRASSLIST:3743] v.reclass in GRASS 57

SWlab swlab at cornell.edu
Thu Jun 24 16:26:48 EDT 2004

Hello all,
I need to dissolve boundaries between polygons sharing a same attribute in a 
huge vector map. I'm trying to use v.reclass in GRASS 5.7.0 (06/17/2004),
v.reclass i=WOH_all o=WOH_subbasins type=area rules=./rules.rks field=4

where rules.rks is a text file as:
cat 101
where SUBBASIN="Ashokan Reservoir"
cat 102
where SUBBASIN="Beaver Kill"
cat 103
where SUBBASIN="Birch Creek"

The command above gives me :
dbmi: Protocol error
ERROR: Cannot select values from database.

Though, v.db.connect works nicely (seems so): it detects that WOH_all is 
connected to 4 dbf tables (the map comes from a e00 transformed to coverage 
by avcimport...), proper driver (dbf), proper fields (field i from table 
WOH_all_i.dbf with key=cat), I can display selected areas with d.vect 
d.vect WOH_all col=blue where="SUBBASIN='Beaver Kill'" field=4

Any ideas welcomed. If there's a workaround, I'd be happy with it 
Thanks a lot in advance

Soil & Water Laboratory
Dept. of Biological & Environmental Engineering
Cornell University
ITHACA, NY 14853
Tel: (607)255.2463

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