[GRASSLIST:4716] problem using s.in.shape

Didrik Pinte pinted at tiscali.be
Fri Nov 5 08:19:47 EST 2004


I'm trying to import a shapefile of points with some attributes in GRASS
(Debian version 5.0.3-5.1). 

The file has 7 attribute fields. I want to use the last one calle
"z-value" as the elevation. 

When I call "s.in.shape -zm in=myshapefile.shp attribute=pointId", the
file is successfully imported but how can I update the z value of the
x,y site data using my "z-value" attribute coming from my shapefile.

Thanks a lot in advance for help,

Didrik Pinte

Research assistant
University catholic of Louvain-la-Neuve

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