[GRASSLIST:4921] Re: g.region to set the boundaries

Ian MacMillan ian_macmillan at umail.ucsb.edu
Tue Nov 23 15:30:40 EST 2004

I am not sure, but I think you are asking to make every map the same 
size in an xy location.  This will make the resolution of every map 
different if they were the same before importing, and they were all the 
same size before importing.  If this is what you want to do, I think 
you need to change the header information for the raster with r.support 
(used up to 5.3).

I think that you might want to just reproject these maps so that they 
are georeferenced.  That way they will line up exactly.  Use i.group, 
i.target, i.points, i.rectify for each map to send it to a location 
with a projection that matches the original map.


On Nov 23, 2004, at 3:53 AM, Vivek Nagvenkar wrote:

> We are working on grass version 5.
> We have a task of displaying the plots for different
> maps on GIS.
> Different maps have different sizes i.e North, South,
> East and West boundaries.
> We are using X,Y Co-ordinate system. All maps are
> digitised usingb the same scalling ratio.
> As such the maps do not fit into the browser window.
> Maps are displayed in different sizes.
> We tried using g.region to set the boundaries for
> North, South, East and West.
> Let me know if there is a way to display all maps in
> the same size.
> Kindly help us to find a solution for the above problem.
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