[GRASSLIST:4662] patch vector maps, list resulting areas

yuhuu at gmx.de yuhuu at gmx.de
Thu Oct 28 09:28:22 EDT 2004

I have two vector maps:
1. "soil_qality", containing areas, labeled with either 1 (good) or 2 (bad)
2. "owner", containing areas labeled with 1...3 (owner1, owner2...)

Finally I'd like to create a (vector)map and a table showing each owners
good and bad areas.

1. Is it possible to get a list containing a line for each single area in a
vector map, showing its #, its acreage, its label?
number acreage  feature
#001    2.345      1
#002    1.201      1
#003    0.023      2
  :        :       :
  :        :       :

2. Is it possible to patch the two maps AND(!) the features, to be able to
create a table with a line for each resulting area fragment?
 #    #map_A   #map_B  acreage  feature_Map_A   feature_Map_B
#001   #001     #001    0.021        1              3
#002   #001     #002    0.812        1              1
#003   #002     #001    0.243        1              3
#004   #002     #003    0.381        1              2
#005   #003     #001    0.428        2              3
#006   #003      --     0.320        2             n.a.
  :      :        :        :         :              :
  :      :        :        :         :              :

Note: I need the value for each single area, NOT summed up by category etc.

Note: I already tried v.patch but the resulting areas were labeled with the
label of either Map_A or Map_B or nothing, depending on the coordinates of
the label-point in the original maps.

Note: probably a database has to be used? How?

Note: GRASS-version is 5.3.0 with cygwin / Win NT 4

Many thanks

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