[GRASSLIST:6496] buffers and statistics

Martin du Saire mdusaire at umn.edu
Fri Apr 15 16:58:14 EDT 2005

Thanks for all your help on the sites to vector question.  I think I'm on 
my way to figuring it out.

Next question:

Is the process I am using to obtain the data I need a reasonable way to go 
about it, or am I missing something (not having any real GIS training or 

a)  I used m.proj2 to convert my site location to the appropriate projection.
b)  defined the site with s.in.ascii, and converted it to a raster using 
c)  created the buffer zone using r.buffer
d)  patched the landcover map in the buffer zone with r.patch -z
e)  calculated statistics with r.stat -c



At 02:13 PM 4/15/2005, you wrote:
>Sites no longer exists in 5.7+. Replaced by vector points. Thus:
>s.in.ascii = v.in.ascii
>m.proj2 = v.proj
>s.to.rast = v.to.rast
>Or go for the "old" Grass 5.4 - much improved and cleaner than 5.0, easy 
>to build, and still using sites. However note that there will be no more 
>developmnet in the 5.x branch, we may expect only releases fixing major 
>bugs. So the sooner we users get used to new vector engine the better for 
>us :).
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin du Saire" <mdusaire at umn.edu>
>To: <GRASSLIST at baylor.edu>
>Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 7:11 PM
>Subject: [GRASSLIST:6493] m.proj s.in.ascii s.to.rast
>>I just installed GRASS6.0, the installation was a lot easier (as I 
>>recall) than installing 5.0 a year ago.
>>Last time I worked with GRASS (Feb 2004), I was trying to calculate the 
>>landcover statistics in a 500km radius around a research site using the 
>>NLCD from USGS:
>>a)  I used m.proj2 to convert my site location to the appropriate projection.
>>b)  defined the site with s.in.ascii, and converted it to a raster using 
>>c)  created the buffer zone using r.buffer
>>d)  patched the landcover map in the buffer zone with r.patch -z
>>e)  calculated statistics with r.stat -c
>>What happened to m.proj(2), s.in.ascii, and s.to.rast?
>>I gather these commands no longer exist. In that case I need some help 
>>figuring out how to do this in 6.0.
>>[Originally posted to win-Grass, so I apologize for multiple posting]

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