[GRASSLIST:6549] import GTiff files

Grégoire Pigeon gregoire.pigeon at meteo.fr
Tue Apr 19 11:30:24 EDT 2005


I've aerial orthorectified photographies in JPEG format and files 
describing location of these photos from MapInfo (.TAB). And I would 
like to import them in Grass 6.0.
I'm able to import these JPEG files but not with the geographic 
information of the TAB files. Then I can set the new boundaries of the 
raster with the geographic information using r.region. But as I've 280 
images, I was trying to find a solution less boring and time consuming.
So I've decided to convert the JPEG files in GTiff with gdal_translate. 
It works quite well. For example here are the informations given by 
gdalinfo of the JPEG file.
	Size is 7000, 5000
	Coordinate System is `'
	Corner Coordinates:
	Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
	Lower Left  (    0.0, 5000.0)
	Upper Right ( 7000.0,    0.0)
	Lower Right ( 7000.0, 5000.0)
	Center      ( 3500.0, 2500.0)
	Band 1 Block=7000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
	Band 2 Block=7000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
	Band 3 Block=7000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue

And here the informations for the tif generated file

	Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
	Size is 7000, 5000
	Coordinate System is `'
	Origin = (536415.000000,142500.000000)
	Pixel Size = (0.250036,-0.250050)
	Corner Coordinates:
	Upper Left  (  536415.000,  142500.000)
	Lower Left  (  536415.000,  141249.750)
	Upper Right (  538165.250,  142500.000)
	Lower Right (  538165.250,  141249.750)
	Center      (  537290.125,  141874.875)
	Band 1 Block=7000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
	Band 2 Block=7000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
	Band 3 Block=7000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue

Then I have tried to import directly the GTiff file with the r.in.gdal 
procedure and it doesn't work and I have the following error

	r.in.gdal input=/data/grassdata/orthophoto/18c2.tif output=18c2
	r.in.gdal: relocation error: /usr/lib/libgeotiff.so.1.2.2: undefined 
symbol: TIFFMergeFieldInfo

Does somebody know about that ?

Thanks for your help


Grégoire PIGEON
Moyens Mobiles de Mesures Météorologiques
Centre National de Recherches Métérologiques
tel +33 (0)561079765
gregoire.pigeon at meteo.fr

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