[GRASSLIST:9609] gislock on the mapset

Leonardo Lami lami at faunalia.it
Thu Dec 22 09:12:25 EST 2005

Hi all,

I have a simple question about the gislock file.

I have the dataset of GRASS in a server and I access to it from several 
computers link in a network.
I saw that if I try to access two times on the same mapset using the same user 
from the same computer the file gislock works well and GRASS say:

"user is currently running GRASS in selected mapset. Concurrent use not 

But if I try to access two times on the same mapset using the same user from 
an OTHER computer the file gislock does not work and I can acces with the 
possibility to make damages.

Is it possible or I make some errors?


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