[GRASSLIST:6016] Re: How does one .. vector overlay/transparency

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 6 03:25:08 EST 2005

> I'm creating a map of wind power for the the state of calif.
> d.vect -a map=wind_ca type=area display=shape
> so far so good (except I can't get rid if the border line)

as previous email, to get rid of line drawing:

d.vect -a color=none

> The last step I want to do is place political (state and
> county) borders on the map.
> I imported a shp of US state borders, but when I use it
> d.vect map=states
> it's areas are "filled", if I display this first, the data
> from wind_ca covers most of the border.

In the same fashion, set the fill color to "none":

d.vect map=states fcolor=none

another way with same result is to just draw vector boundaries, not

d.vect map=states type=boundary

This second method also avoids drawing the centroid markers.


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