[GRASSLIST:6214] Re: the order of draw in ps.map

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 18 20:49:47 EST 2005

> i'm using the ps.map and don't know how do chages the
> order in which draw?. I saw that first draw the POINT
> vector, after the LINE vector and the last the AREA
> vector and the LABELS, i need first to draw AREA
> vector, after LINE vector, after POINT vector and
> In the instruction file to ps.map i put the
> instructions in the order that a wish but when runs it
> draw in different order.

from the ps.map help page:

"The order of commands is generally unimportant but may affect how some
layers are drawn. For example to plot vpoints above vareas list the
vpoints entry first."



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