[GRASSLIST:6759] problems importing shapefile ...

Oliver.Chikumbo at forestresearch.co.nz Oliver.Chikumbo at forestresearch.co.nz
Wed May 11 23:50:54 EDT 2005


I am newbie to GRAASS GIS and am currently running grass6 on mac os x. I
compiled postgresql and it is running fine. I tried it under graas6 with
the test1 database and everything went smoothly.

However on trying to import a shapefile I am getting the following error
and if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it:

v.in.ogr dsn=/gisdata/wharenui/wharenui output=wharenuitrial
min_area=0.0001 snap=1
A datum name nzgd49 (New_Zealand_Geodetic_Datum_1949) was specified without
transformation parameters.

GRASS_INFO_WARNING(1186,1): Non-interactive mode: the GRASS default for
nzgd49 is towgs84=54.400,-20.100,183.100.
Projection of input dataset and current location appear to match.
Proceeding with import ...
Layer: NWfields2
DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot execute:
create table /usr/local/pgsql.wharetrial (cat integer, OBJECTID integer,
SHAPE_Leng double precision, SHAPE_Area double precision, Paddock_na
varchar (23), Field_area double precision, Land_use varchar (20),
Biodiversi varchar (20), Age_class double precision, Slope varchar (20),
Soils varchar (20))

ERROR: syntax error at or near "/" at character 14

Cannot create table: create table /usr/local/pgsql.wharetrial (cat integer,
OBJECTID integer, SHAPE_Leng double precision, SHAPE_Area double precision,
Paddock_na varchar (23), Field_area double precision, Land_use varchar
(20), Biodiversi varchar (20), Age_class double precision, Slope varchar
(20), Soils varchar (20))


Oliver Chikumbo          (Forest Management Scientist)
Forest Research
Sala St
Private Bag 3020
Rotorua, New Zealand

Ph: +64 7 343 5547     Fax: +64 7 343 5507
E-mail: Oliver.Chikumbo at forestresearch.co.nz


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