[GRASSLIST:6918] multiple users issue

Daniel Gavin Daniel.Gavin at uvm.edu
Fri May 27 17:37:59 EDT 2005

We wish to use GRASS 6.0/6.1 on a computer with users using different 
accounts.  It was installed by a root user and it runs fine from that 
account.  However, we can't seem to get a non-root user to start the 
program.  I have created a local .grassrc6 file.  Typing 'grass6' at 
a prompt returns something like 'command not found', and the icon 
start-up just quits.  I assume this is something quite simple!
Many thanks.

Dan Gavin
Research Associate
University of Vermont
Botany and Agricultural Biochemistry
120B Marsh Life Science
109 Carrigan Dr.
Burlington, VT 05405-0086

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