[GRASSLIST:9044] Problem installing GRASS

ayse at kafkaskoruma.net ayse at kafkaskoruma.net
Mon Nov 14 03:38:32 EST 2005


I want to download GRASS and I am following the instructions given in
the “Absolute Beginner's' Guide to GRASS installation” (on
I’m stuck in step 2, where it tells me to download the precompiled X
Window (XFree86, X11R6.4) System from http://sources.redhat.
com/cygwin/xfree/. This site is unreachable and on the cywig download
site these files are marked as “removed”, and I could not find them
on any other site. 

So my questions are: 
1)	Does anyone know of any sites I can download these files ?
Or better
2)	Can you point me to a more recent set of instructions for
downloading and installing GRASS ?


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