[GRASSLIST:8538] Re: gshhs

Ed Davison bfdi533 at cbacc-security3.mccombs.utexas.edu
Fri Oct 7 10:14:56 EDT 2005

I have not been able to find v.in.gshhs in grass6.0 and do not seem to
be able find any reference to this as an upcoming plan for grass6.0.  I
used this before in grass5.0 and grass5.1 with no trouble and need this
now for grass6.0.

I have tried to import the gshhs shp file but I get an error when trying
to display a zoomed in level on this file (and have previously reported
this error to the list with no response).

Anyone know if this is/will be available for grass6.0?  Or if there is a
specific reason it was left out?

Alternately, does anyone know of an alternate data set for this then?


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