[GRASSLIST:8215] Re: MrSID and incorporating the .sdw info into resulting GeoTiff.

Craig Aumann caumann at ualberta.ca
Thu Sep 8 12:57:52 EDT 2005

Thanks for everyone's responses here! It turns out that:

mrsiddecode -wf -input FILE.sid -output FILE.tif

cp FILE.sdw FILE.tfw

gdal_translate -of GTIFF -a_srs '+init=epsg:26712' FILE.tif

does the right thing, but simply changing the first line to:

mrsiddecode -of tifg -input FILE.sid -output FILE.tif

causes the translation to fail (i.e., not read the .tfw file).  
I have no idea why this is the case.  In the first case, given that
mrsiddecode generates a tfw file, is the resulting FILE.tif now storing
a link to this file that it lacks in the second case (using -of tifg)?  

I'm running: 

mrsiddecode -v
mrsiddecode: mrsid decoder tool
Built Oct 12 2004 16:28:22 (linux, gcc3, release)

GDAL, released 2004/06/23

Thanks again for you help!

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