[GRASSLIST:8300] Re: Displaying points by attirbutes in Nviz

Ian MacMillan ian_macmillan at umail.ucsb.edu
Thu Sep 15 20:05:17 EDT 2005

Stefania, I would guess that you would have to extract the vector 
points you want using v.extract, and then plotting multiple vector 
points files with NVIZ.


On Sep 15, 2005, at 4:52 PM, Stefania Merlo wrote:

> I have read in the documentation that with the old version of Nviz it 
> was possible to display attributes of 3D points (at the time sites) by 
> color coding and I can see  this in numerous examples. Eg.
> <http://grass.itc.it/gdp/nviz/img/nv/sit3a.gif>
> Nonetheless I do not seem to find such an option in Nviz GRASS 6.0 or 
> 6.0.1. Does anyone know if the option exists or how to achieve this 
> visualisation result?
> Thank you,
> stefania
> --------------------------
> Stefania Merlo
> Department of Archaeology
> University of Cambridge
> United Kingdom
> e-mail: sm399 at cam.ac.uk
> Office: +44 1223 763518
> Mobile: +44 787 6405064
> --------------------------
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