[GRASSLIST:540] Re: New GUI suggestion

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Sat Apr 1 22:19:27 EST 2006

Jonathan Greenberg wrote:

> Hey there, I am running the X11 gui that comes with the MacOS X binaries (I
> disabled the aqua gui, since it is missing a lot of the features that the
> new X11 one has), and I noticed that I can't hit "run" multiple times from
> the same window -- presumably, I have to wait until the current run is done.
> I'm using r.sun, and I like to start 4 or so r.sun runs (different
> parameters, different output file names) and leave it alone, and the
> previous guis allowed me to do this.  This one disabled the "run" button
> once I've started it.

Unfortunately, running multiple commands concurrently in the same
mapset is potentially unsafe. Most of the time you will get away with
it, sometimes you won't.

You can prevent the Run button from being disabled by removing or
commenting-out the following line in etc/gui.tcl:

	catch {$opt($dlg,run_button) configure -state disabled}

However, I'm not sure whether the GUI will cope with multiple
concurrent invocations (the earlier GUIs weren't designed to handle
this case; it just happened to work).

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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