[GRASS-user] integration of sample.c algorithms into r.resample

Dylan Beaudette dylan.beaudette at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 12:40:15 EDT 2006

On Monday 14 August 2006 18:49, Glynn Clements wrote:
> Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> > Indeed the methods involved are
> > traditional _interpolation_ algorithms. As such, they might not be as
> > useful for moving from small grid sizes to larger grid sized
> > (aggregating).
> When used for downscaling, the result for each cell is still an
> interpolate of the 2x2 or 4x4 window of source cells surrounding the
> centre of the destination cell.
> This isn't necessarily wrong, but it's a completely different process
> to aggregation.

Agreed. I was having some terminology issues :) . A simple overview of this 
interpretation can be found here:


Therefore, I would suggest that we name the new version of (incorporating all 
three methods) r.resample - with suggestions on how to keep the original 
functionality further down:

> > > This module is for re-sampling and r.resample is the only good name I
> > > can think of currently.
> >
> > I also like the name r.resample, as it is a bit more general. perhaps
> > r.resample could be a script that calls r.interpolate / r.aggregate
> > based on the shift in resolution.
> The existing r.resample needs to remain, even if it is renamed to
> allow something else to use that name.

Yes. lets keep the _current_ r.resample functionality, but lets re-name it to 
something like r.resamp.default or r.resamp.g or r.resample.g ... (?) 
something to denote that this module is mimicking the internal NN resamplng.

> Also, I'm not sure that automatically choosing between interpolation
> and aggregation depending upon the scale factor is sensible. While
> aggregation is meaningless for scale factors below 1 (and largely
> meaningless for scale factors only marginally above 1), interpolation
> is meaningful for both reduction and enlargement.

Yet another good point Glynn. To keep things simple lets strive for keeping 
the concept of r.resample (its future self) consistant across scales.

> It all depends upon whether your cell values represent samples at
> specific points, or aggregates over a rectangular area. Both are
> meaningful.

This can be a tricky definition, and one that is a regular source of trouble: 
i.e. grid vs pixel registration, etc....

> [There's also the case where the scale factor is < 1 in one direction
> and > 1 in the other.]
> > > IMHO: drop r.bilinear, replace r.resample. To provide compatibility
> > > with old r.resample (that performed nearest neighbor only) set the
> > > default method=nearest. This will keep things simple and backward
> > > compatible.
> >
> > This also works, but I think that we will need to address the
> > aggregation problem soon.

just to follow this above comment up: yes. drop r.bilinear, re-name current 
r.resample to (?) and create new r.resample based on Gylnn's code - with some 
fixes for the bicubic case, as it appears to be broken.

> Aggregation should probably be done through a modification of
> r.neighbors. Rather than using a sliding window at the current
> resolution, you would compute the aggregate over the set of source
> cells corresponding to a single destination cell.
> As with r.bilinear, you would need to repeatedly switch regions to
> read the source at its native resolution while writing the result at
> the current resolution.
> Unlike r.bilinear, where the window size is determined solely by the
> method, an aggregation module would have the window size determined by
> the scale factor.
> This would require some modification to the I/O strategy, specifically
> the number of rows kept in memory would vary at run-time, and would
> vary from row to row (the number of source rows and columns
> corresponding to each destination cell would vary by 1; e.g. a scale
> factor 3.5 would result in a destination cell corresponding to 3x3,
> 3x4, 4x3 or 4x4 source cells).

Looks like getting the aggregation to work within a C module will be a bit 
difficult. r.neighbors was my initial thought for this type of functionality, 
but it might complicate the tool chain as you have said down thread...


Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis

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