[GRASSLIST:9976] Re: bash scripting

James Conolly jamesconolly at trentu.ca
Tue Jan 24 16:25:39 EST 2006

I think I've answered my own question...

At the command line:

> nohup GRASS60 -text /grassdata/mylocation/PERMANENT < los.script &

Where los.script contains:

r.los input=dem.v1 output=los.1 coordinate=1234,1234 max_dist=10000
r.los input=dem.v1 output=los.1 coordinate=6789,6789 max_dist=10000



James Conolly wrote:
> Hello all,
> I need to run several hundred instances of r.los, and I'd like to do 
> this in a bash script that calls and runs GRASS (so that I can prefix 
> the script with a nohup command and logout and leave it running). If 
> somebody with more knowledge of bash scripting could please provide me 
> with some advice on how to best do this, I'd appreciate it very much. As 
> is stands, if the following script:
> #!/bin/sh
> GRASS60 -text /grassdata/mylocation/PERMANENT
> r.los input=dem.v1 output=los.1 coordinate=1234,1234 max_dist=10000
> r.los input=dem.v1 output=los.1 coordinate=6789,6789 max_dist=10000
> end 0
> is run, GRASS60 opens, then sits there waiting for a command. Only if I 
> then exit GRASS normally (i.e., exit), will it then move onto executing 
> the r.los commands, but obviously as I'm no longer in the GRASS shell, I 
> get a command not found. I understand all this, but my knowledge of bash 
> scripting is too limited to work out how to get the script to move onto 
> r.los to execute while in the GRASS shell...
> Any/all help appreciated,
> With thanks,
> James Conolly
> Trent University, Canada

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