[GRASSLIST:312] Re: represent objects in GRASS

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz
Wed Mar 22 09:26:31 EST 2006


On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 11:18:47AM +0000, Ana Soares wrote:
> Hei,
> I'm very new to GRASS GIS and I've to make an application that uses it.
> I have some questions :
> - how do I represent objects in a map, eg, a car or a plane on a map ?

In GIS we have raster or vector representation of object. Each of them
has advantages and disadvantages. 

> - can I associate tabular data with a map in a GRASS DATABASE ? HOW ?

Yes. see v.in.db, v.in.ascii, v.in.ogr for details

> - Where does PostGIS enter in GRASS GIS databases?

You do not need to work with PostGIS if do not want to. But you can
access at the data stored in PostGIS using v.external

> Help would be so appreciated... ^-^
> Thanks.

You can learn a lot from GRASS GIS 6.0 Tutorial. Version 1.2 (see

Jachym Cepicky                                  
e-mail: jachym.cepicky at centrum.cz           
URL: http://les-ejk.cz                      
GPG: http://les-ejk.cz/gnupg_public_key/    
Department of Geoinformation Technologies   
LDF MZLU v Brně                             
Zemědělská 3                                
613 00 Brno                                 
e-mail: xcepicky at node.mendelu.cz            
URL:    http://mapserver.mendelu.cz
Tel.:   +420 545 134 514

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