[GRASSLIST:395] Re: SRTM coastline sharpening

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Mon Mar 27 01:57:19 EST 2006

Hamish wrote:

>>Following the GRASSNews_vol3 article on SRTM import, I was trying to 
>>sharpen coastlines using GSHHS shapefiles. However, the imported GSHHS
>>vectors are just lines and not areas. Therefore I do not know how to 
>>generate a raster MASK, because there is no area for v.to.rast to 
>>produce a filled raster coverage.
>others have mentioned the new SRTM v2 so I'll leave that, but for the

SRTM V2 is really recommended. They also ship their water masks along
with the
updated SRTM data.

>general vector how-to question:
>An area is made up of a boundary and a centroid, so two steps are
># convert lines to boundaries
>v.type line,boundary
># add centroids 
>v.category op=add   # ?!!!
>This second part I know possible, but I forget the correct command.
g.manual v.category

 4) Add categories/centroids to a vector map without categories

       v.category in=wkt out=wktnew option=add


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