[GRASSLIST:399] Re: v.clean and snap feature...

Radim Blazek radim.blazek at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 02:49:01 EST 2006

On 3/24/06, Luca Casagrande <luca.casagrande at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys...
> I have got a vactor line layer with a lot of line splitted; in v.digit they
> look like this (x is red):
> -------x        x---------
> ------------------------
> If i use the v.clean command with snap feature, the vertex are being snapped
> on the near line and not each other.
> Is there a way to issue snap only between nearest vertex?

I don't think so. It should not be difficult to write such function.
If you don't want to program you can put points on nodes (v.net)
then extract only tho points with one line (v.net, v.extract)
and then connect the points under certain treshold (v.distance link=)
and patch back.


> Thx
> Luca
> --
> "E' molto più bello sapere qualcosa di tutto, che tutto di una cosa (Blaise
> Pascal)."
> GENTOO-GIS Development Team
> jabber: casagrande at jabber.linux.it

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