[GRASS-user] about "@" in mapname in new cvs

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Apr 26 12:31:05 EDT 2007

Jaros-Bław Jasiewicz wrote:-A

> It is really nedded  add "@mapset" in current mapset.

In general, yes. An unqualified map name refers to the first map with
that name found in the mapset search path, which isn't necessarily the
map with that name in the current mapset (the default search path has
the current mapset first, but that can be changed).

Even if the map is currently the first one found with that name in the
search path, that can change if maps or added or removed or if the
search path is changed. Re-running the command would then have
unexpected results if an unqualified name was used.

As Martin said, the specific bug in g.remove (actually, in the
G_remove() function which it uses) has since been fixed.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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