[GRASS-user] gird with different horizontal and vertical resolution

Jarosław Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Tue Jan 30 03:05:14 EST 2007

Hamish napisał(a):
> Jarosław wrote:
>>>> Is it possble to draw grid (d.grid) with different resolution in x 
>>>> (5000) and y (8000)?
> Hamish:
>>> Not with d.grid. But you can use v.mkgrid to make a custom vector
>>> grid, and display the boundaries as a map layer. No labels of course
>>> without a bunch of calls to d.text.
> JarosÅaw:
>> It's a pitty. I have huge grid created with v.mkgrid and I need lebels
> you can always force the grid spacing by editing the d.grid source code
> by hand:
> [display/d.grid/plot.c   plot_grid() function]
>   grid_size=5000;
>  /* Draw vertical grids */
> ...
>   grid_size=8000;
>  /* Draw horizontal grids */
> and then recompile d.grid by running "make".
> Hamish
yes, that shall work, thanks.
maybe it is idea to rework d.grid to can create custom grid with 
different resolution in x and y direciton?

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