[GRASS-user] display manager in a script

Massimo Di Stefano massimodisasha at yahoo.it
Sun Mar 18 13:16:32 EDT 2007

i'm try to writing a script to connect grass - gps-receiver

It take the data from a srial port ( tty.bluethout_receiver)
visualize the output in a standard "x" monitor
refreshing the region using a $range (distance in meters from current  
gps point )

using "simple" monitor (d.mon x0) ,
i'm not able to use functions like "zoom-pan-measure"
it is possible to use a "display manager" instead of mon. x0 in a  
bash script ? ...
or writing an specific tcl script ?

at least i can try to manage only the "zoom" option,
at this moment i'm able to set the $range value in the scrip-gui as a  

the region is processed in the script using a code like :

while read line;
do echo " $line" > line ;
eval $( v.info point -g );
n="`echo \"($var1 + $range)\"|bc -l`";
s="`echo \"($var2 + $range)\"|bc -l`";
e="`echo \"($var3 + $range)\"|bc -l`";
w="`echo \"($var4 + $range)\"|bc -l`";
echo "$n $s $e $w"
g.region n s e w
....d.vect etc...
done < $file

it is possible to use somethink like a tcl-tk widget to have an   
iteractivley managment of $range  value ?

thanks for anhy suggestions :-)


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