[GRASS-user] r.surf.contour

Charles Ehlschlaeger c.ehlschlaeger at insightbb.com
Tue Mar 20 21:40:12 EDT 2007

The notes section of the r.surf.contour man page says:


…The speed of r.surf.contour is dependent on how far "apart" the contour
lines are from each other (as measured in raster cells). Since a flood fill
algorithm is used, the program's running time will grow exponentially with
the distance between contour lines. 


Thus, the run time is more dependent on the locations of contour lines than
the raw number of grid cells.



Chuck Ehlschlaeger, Associate Professor & GIS Center Director

Department  of  Geography,      Western  Illinois  University

215 Tillman Hall,   1 University Circle,  Macomb,  IL   61455

cre111 at wiu.edu,    phone: 309-298-1841,     fax: 309-298-3003



From: grassuser-bounces at grass.itc.it [mailto:grassuser-bounces at grass.itc.it]
On Behalf Of Amaginary Studios
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 6:10 PM
To: grassuser at grass.itc.it
Subject: [GRASS-user] r.surf.contour


I am running r.surf.contour and it is ... taking quite a long time...


I am just wondering how long the average processing time is with the
following g.region


projection: 1 (UTM)

zone:       9

datum:      nad83

ellipsoid:  grs80

north:      6052143.70894

south:      6018782.69306

west:       644196.986023

east:       657085.826063

nsres:      4.00012181

ewres:      4.00026072

rows:       8340

cols:       3222

cells:      26 871 480


Perhaps the resolution is too high? 


so far it has been running for 6hours.


Mac OSX.4.9 MacBook Pro 2.16 core duo, 2Gram


Thank you!




HYPERLINK "http://amaginarystudios.spymac.com"Amaginary Studios

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Mars Sjoden

3320 Mount Davis Way

Houston BC

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