[GRASS-user] importing maps with non-supported projection system

Barbosa, A. Marcia a.m.barbosa at imperial.ac.uk
Fri Dec 5 09:04:57 EST 2008


I need to import some shapefiles that are in a different projection from my mapset. I wish I could do that directly, i.e. that the maps could pe projected to my location as they were imported (for example, if v.proj worked also for non-GRASS maps, as long as they came with georrefering information). But as I understand, I have to create a new mapset and a new location with the projection information of those external maps, import them there, then switch to my mapset and run v.proj from here.

The problem is I don't have all the information I need to create the location for those shapefiles, or the projection information is not supported by GRASS (I can't find any similar option when creating a location from QGIS).

Is there any way to import a map, automatically creating a new GRASS location matching the georreferencing information contained in that map?

Thanks a lot,


- - - -
Department of Biological Sciences
Imperial College London, Silwood Park Campus
Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7PY
Unidade de Macroecologia e Conservação
CEA - Universidade de Évora, Pólo da Mitra
7002-554 Évora
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