errors with r.out.kml Re: [GRASS-user] Raster kml export script?

David Finlayson dfinlayson at
Mon Jan 7 01:12:29 EST 2008

A basic KML file isn't much more complicated than an HTML web page.
See the google web site on KML for easy examples.

Take a look at the part of the script that adds the
<GroundOverlay></GroundOverlay> section and add as many of these
sections as you need, one for each raster.

If you come up with a way to reliably export a display image with an
accurate bounding box, please let me know (what I did was a hack using
image magick and all). I also change the region to match the raster
which Glen, in a previous post, pointed out was poor style. It would
be easy to add a company logo or other overlays to the script too.

If you come up with anything cool please let me know.


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