[GRASS-user] import satellite data in Grass

Martina Schaefer smartina at mun.ca
Thu Jun 19 16:30:32 EDT 2008

Hi again,

thanks for all your fast answers to my beginner questions :-).

In the meanwhile I managed to import my data, even the img files, but 
only by transforming them into geoTIF.
I'm still missing some information about the projections parameters, but 
for the moment I can use the default values.

What I want to do now, is to overlay the images with a raster and define 
(in a first time at least by hand) a value for each of the the raster cells.
Is there anything foreseen in Grass that could help me with this? Or do 
I have just to write a table in any other editor?

What I also want to do, is measure distances and angles between objects 
on my images. For the moment I don't really see where to search for this 
kind of tools. I thought that it would be possible to draw lines and 
measure them and angles between them?

Thanks again for your helpful comments.


Hamish wrote:
> Martina Schaefer wrote:
>> I'm new with Grass and I don't have somebody around me knowing well 
>> Grass and besides all the documentation and tutorials that
>> I've found, I have some beginner questions...
>> I have several satellite data sets, that I would like to
>> import in Grass.
>> These sets are:
>> - devpan_2000_mos.tif, .rrd, .aux, .tif.aux
>> - S4_07935_7537_20070828_p10_1_lcc00.tif, .xml with files 
>> selected_zone-zone_selectionnee.dbf, prj, shp and shx as
>> well as
>> spot_footprint-empreinte_spot.dbf, prj, shp and shx
>> - oa16787_087.img
> first step: have a look at their metadata with "gdalinfo <filename>"
> check that is all in order.
> if projections are all the same use r.in.gdal from the new location to load in the other maps. If they use different projections you can use r.proj to move them into the same location. each different map projection needs its own location.
> qgis is a nice data viewer if you don't want to create new grass locations just to look at the data. (www.qgis.org)
> Hamish

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