[GRASS-windows] Re: [GRASS-user] Xming as X server for winGRASS?

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed Mar 12 03:00:34 EDT 2008

Luigi Ponti wrote:

> > A better course of action might be to try to revive the w11 driver 
> > (--enable-w11 configure option) which is similar but uses Windows 
> > functions instead of sockets. I don't know how near being finished it 
> > is; might be worth looking at.
> The most recent thread I have found on the topic suggests that this is 
> still not a viable option.
> http://www.nabble.com/GRASS-.-configure-options-td15482716.html#a15489963

The problem with using monitors on native Windows isn't the graphics,
it's the client-server communication.

> > There's some discussion if you search the mailing lists for keywords 
> > like w11 and pngdriver. It isn't necessary to have the XDRIVER working 
> > for batch display functionality - you can use the PNG driver (in fact 
> > that is probably easier) and direct rendering on Windows--or on any 
> > other platform. See the list of PNG driver-related environment 
> > variables in 
> > http://grass.ibiblio.org/gdp/html_grass63/variables.html#png for some 
> > ideas on how to control it.
> If anybody has a pointer to a working example that would be great. While 
> the concept is clear, the practicalities are not as evident by reading 
> recent posts on the topic:
> http://www.nabble.com/why-d.vect.thematic-won%27t-run-on-WinGRASS---d.mon-problem-td15054987.html#a15054987
> Particularly, how do you tell the PNG driver where to start/stop direct 
> rendering to png file without d.mon?

If the environment variable GRASS_RENDER_IMMEDIATE is set to TRUE, PNG
or PS, all d.* commands write graphics directly to a file, without
using a monitor.

The filename, format and dimensions are set by environment variables,
as described at:


All of the functionality of the PNG and PS drivers is available in
this way.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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